What Are the Qualities of a Good Coach? – Learn 6 of Them Now

Today, coaching has become a sought-after skill as well as an essential part of leadership. More and more industry leaders are recognizing that they can gain better results personally and professionally through life coaching.

When the qualities of an effective life coach are applied in the workplace, it helps create an atmosphere of greater productivity, creativity and synergy. But what are the qualities of a good coach? Wouldn’t you like to incorporate these qualities into your business or practice?

What we’re going to show you below are just some of the essential qualities of a good coach that effective leaders excel in. As you read through the list, think about which ones you’d most like to work on next.


Be a Good Listener

Listening is known to be one of the most important skills you’ll be needing if you want to be an effective coach. You need to learn to focus and not be distracted by your own thoughts, not to mention external influences.

It’s important for you to remain curious, show genuine interest, and suspend all judgments so you can hear what the person is saying, both verbally and non-verbally. Don’t forget to practice keeping interruptions to a minimum.


Skillful Use of Questions

Well-worded questions are short and are straight to the point. Good questions are open-ended, thus letting others express their thoughts and feelings, rather than closed — yes or no — answers. They help deepen the understanding of the person being coached.

You don’t provide them the answers, but instead, you help them find the answers. This helps reinforce the idea that you believe in them, thus it empowers their own self-worth. If they’re struggling to come up with an answer, you may use leading questions that progressively move the person toward the desired goal.


Challenges Constructively

People are only motivated when they have a full understanding of the situation, and you can help your clients see any contradictions between what they say and what they’re doing. They may be held back by some limiting beliefs, so help them challenge these, because everyone is always capable of doing and achieving more.

Remember: what they’ve done in the past is no indication of their future.


Provides Feedback, Never Criticism

You never want to assert your expertise at the cost of your client feeling inadequate. Remember, strive hard to make your feedback specific, relevant, helpful, and, most of all, positive.


Focuses on the Client

As a coach, you should always consider your client’s agenda over your own. This means you need to help them identify their core values, so that your leadership keeps them on track with their goals.


Helps Create Accountability

Get a commitment from your client that they will finish a certain task by a specific deadline. Achieving goals and results that are measurable helps to build self-confidence and helps motivates your clients to accomplish more in the future.

How to be a good coach?” you may ask? Well, if you have the above qualities, then you’re on the right track to being an effective coach. If not, you can always receive more training when necessary.

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Coaching is one of the 4 keys to success, JT Foxx is the Worlds #1 Wealth Coach, pictured with his and Donald Trumps Coach George Ross. To find out more about getting coaching or becoming a coach visit the JTFoxxCoaching.com

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